- Kazakova Irina Sergeevna PhD in Pedagogy
- Minyar-Belorucheva Evgenia Yulianovna
- Emelyanenko Marina Stanislavovna
- Kalinin Alexander Sergeevich PhD in Pedagogy
- Gerasimenko Svetlana Viktorovna PhD in Pedagogy
- Vorobyeva Natalya Aleksandrovna PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor
- Nikitina Eleonora Konstantinovna PhD in Pedagogy
The article reveals the relevance of developing the core of secondary vocational pedagogical education as a response to the challenges and problems of the new technological order of the digital society. The solution of the problem of updating the model of teaching staff training on the basis of the continuity of education levels is carried out by correlating the core of secondary vocational education and the core of higher education when designing basic professional educational programs. Approaches to the construction of a competency-based model of teacher training are formulated. The purpose of the article is to translate modern approaches to the training of teachers, based on the ideas of continuity of education. The methodological basis of the article is the works of A. V. Repin, V. I. Blinova, A. I. Satdykova, I. S. Sergeeva, N. F. Rodicheva, etc. The study used such methods as the study and analysis of scientific literature, generalization and analysis of pedagogical experience.
The scientific novelty lies in the fact that conceptual approaches to the training of teachers at the level of secondary vocational education are indicated.
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Kazakova, I. S., Minyar-Belorucheva, E. Y., Emelyanenko, M. S., Kalinin, A. S., Gerasimenko, S. V., Vorobyeva, N. A. & Nikitina, E. K. (2022). The core of secondary vocational pedagogical education in the structure of teacher training Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2022, №2 (2), 6.
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