Home Releases 2023, №3 (7)

Using an interactive whiteboard in the educational process in a modern college

Modern Technologies of Personnel Training , UDC: 377.8.091.64-029:62 DOI: 10.25688/2782-6597.2023.6.2.5


  • Shaldunova Arina Olegovna


This article discusses the issue of digitalization of the education system and the role of digital technologies in modern times. The issue of digital transformation of education is considered as one of the main directions for working on educational programs of modern secondary vocational education. The options for using various technical means in the educational process, which can improve its quality and accessibility. This topic affects all levels of education, but the main focus of the article is on the use of such a tool as an interactive whiteboard in the educational process. The advantages of using an interactive whiteboard are formulated and the question of its influence on increasing the motivation of students is raised. The purpose. Consider options for methods and advantages of using an interactive whiteboard in the educational process that can improve its quality and accessibility. The methodological basis of the article is the research of Russian specialists, and examples of foreign projects in the field of digital transformation of the education system. The study used such methods as the study and analysis of scientific literature, generalization and analysis of pedagogical experience. The main results of the study. The article considers the advantages of digitalization of the education system and the introduction of technical means. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the approach indicated in the article is aimed at improving digital teaching methods in the field of secondary vocational education. Practical significance. The introduction of modern digital methods for working with educational materials will help increase the productivity of students and the quality of the study of the subjects.

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Shaldunova, A. O. (2023). Using an interactive whiteboard in the educational process in a modern college Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2023, №3 (7), 46. https://doi.org/10.25688/2782-6597.2023.6.2.5
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