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The influence of the artistic and creative environment formed by the style of the era on traditional applied art in the context of teaching the discipline «History of Art»

Content Update SPO , UDC: 377.3.016:745 DOI: 10.25688/2782-6597.2024.10.2.1


  • Medkova Elena Stoyanovna PhD of Pedagogy


The article examines the problem of the influence on traditional applied arts and crafts of the artistic and creative environment formed by the style of the era, which should be taken into account in teaching at art colleges in the direction 54.02.02 «Decorative and applied arts and folk crafts». The purpose of the article: to describe the results of a study undertaken to improve the quality of secondary vocational education, the purpose of which was to determine specific mechanisms of interaction between the basic archetypal core of the artistic form of traditional applied art and the influence of current style-forming models that create an appropriate stimulating artistic and creative environment. Methodology and methods. In defining general concepts in the field of traditional applied art and historical styles, culturological (N. G. Mikhailova, I. Hassan) and structural-semantic approaches (A. F. Losev, V. N. Toporov, K. G. Jung). In the study of stylistic connections, methods of stylistic analysis were used (T. G. Malinina, N. V. Filicheva). Among specific studies of the Gzhel fishery, we relied on the works of Soviet (R. R. Musin, A. B. Saltykov) and modern Russian authors (T. L. Astrakhantseva, V. V. Nikonov). Еру main results of the study. A hypothesis is substantiated about the role of prototypes that are basic to the Russian cultural tradition in the process of periodic renewal of traditional crafts. The mechanisms of the relationship between traditional culture and different style models that create the appropriate artistic and creative environment at the level of prototypes are considered. The role of style in the form of a semantic field of the artistic and creative environment for the development of traditional crafts is emphasized. Using the example of the restoration of the Gzhel craft, the mechanism of self-tuning of masters of traditional art in the situation of choosing from competing stylistic directions of the 20th century, in favor of the direction that coincides with the matriarchal archetype, is shown. Scientific novelty of the research: it is substantiated that the Gzhel craft, updated during the experiment by N. I. Bessarabova, belongs to the style of Art Deco and postmodernism at the level of attitude to the material, form, compositional solutions, choice and interpretation of decorative imagery — the famous Gzhel rose. Practical significance. The historical experience of the experimental work of described in the article A. B. Saltykov and N. I. Bessarabova’s work on updating Gzhel crafts can be used by students of art educational institutions focused on traditional crafts when choosing their own creative path in the context of the multiplicity of stylistic trends in modern art.

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Medkova, E. S. (2024). The influence of the artistic and creative environment formed by the style of the era on traditional applied art in the context of teaching the discipline «History of Art» Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", № 2 (10), 6. https://doi.org/10.25688/2782-6597.2024.10.2.1
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