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Ensuring the proper level of swimming readiness of future physical education teachers in professional training

Modern Technologies of Personnel Training , UDC: 378.8:796 DOI: 378.8:796


  • Postolnik Yulia Aleksandrovna Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
  • Bubentsova Yulia Aleksandrovna


In order to achieve positive results in swimming, it is necessary to overcome specific difficulties that are associated with a lack of flexibility among students. Since flexibility is of great importance for the development of physical qualities in the formation of swimming skills, we have developed a set of physical exercises aimed at developing and maintaining flexibility, which were performed by an experimental group of students in full-time practical classes and during independent work for six months. After this time, the students of the experimental group showed higher final results than the students of the control group. The purpose of the article is to improve the level of training of future personnel in the profile of the specialty Physical culture, namely, in the formation of professionally applied skills and swimming skills of students based on the development of special flexibility. Methodology and methods. The methodological basis of the article is the works of Yu. A. Bubentsova, N. J. Bulgakova, E. A. Raspopova, O. I. Popov and others. The following methods were used: theoretical analysis, expert assessment of swimming fitness, pedagogical experiment, methods of mathematical statistics. The main results of the study. The students of the experimental group performing the exercises of the experimental complex, which was aimed at developing and maintaining the level of flexibility, significantly outperformed the students from the control group in all indicators of swimming fitness. Scientific novelty. The effectiveness of special physical exercises aimed at developing flexibility in order to form knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of initial swimming training for future mid-level specialists to carry out professional activities in the specialty profile is substantiated. Practical significance. This material can be intended for the training of specialists of a wide profile, designed to solve the issues of the development of mass swimming, coaches, teachers, students of secondary general and physical education for planning swimming training.

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Postolnik, Y. A. & Bubentsova, Y. A. (2024). Ensuring the proper level of swimming readiness of future physical education teachers in professional training Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", № 2 (10), 23. https://doi.org/378.8:796
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