- Silkin Roman Sergeevich Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
The article is devoted to the current problem of the professional orientation of the disciplines of the general professional cycle (GPC) of educational programs of secondary vocational education (SVE). Based on the study of the content of the programs of Moscow colleges and their educational and methodological support, it is concluded that to date there is no unified approach to ensuring the professional orientation of these disciplines, primarily social, humanitarian, economic orientation. To solve this problem, using the example of the discipline «Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship», a theoretical model has been developed that allows for the formation of professionally oriented content depending on a specific basic vocational educational program. Methodology and methods: analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature, regulatory documents; analysis of the functioning of educational organizations of secondary vocational education.
Main results of the study: an analysis of the structure and content in various educational programs of SVE was carried out, common deficiencies in their professional orientation were identified, a theoretical model of the content of the discipline was developed taking into account the professional orientation.
Scientific novelty: A theoretical model of the discipline content has been developed taking into account the professional focus, which can be used in designing the structure and content of work programs for various specialties.
Practical significance: the results of the scientific work have been used in developing educational and methodological kits for the main professional educational programs
of colleges in Moscow.
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Silkin, R. S. (2024). Design of the content of secondary vocational education disciplines taking into account the professional focus using the example of the discipline «Fundamentals of Entrepreneurial Activity» Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", № 4 (12), 25.
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