- Babalaeva Maria Viktorovna PhD in Philosophy
- Shulgin Pavel Konstantinovich
The article deals with the issue of using the museum space of an educational organization of the system of secondary vocational education to improve the professional and personal competence of a future teacher. The authors emphasize that today the museum acts as a cultural and educational environment for all age categories, while preschool and primary school age is considered a priority, since at this age the foundations of spiritual, moral, cultural, social, patriotic values are laid. The relevance of the patriotic and civic education of the younger generation is dictated by life itself and is emphasized in fundamental state documents, such as the «Strategy for the Development of Education in the Russian
Federation for the period up to 2025». The relevance of education is also emphasized in the Federal Educational Standards, which define one of the leading tasks for the formation of personal competencies of students, such as love for their homeland, knowledge and respect for culture, folk and spiritual traditions of their people, purposeful knowledge of the world, awareness of the value of education and science, labor and creativity. The authors of the article propose to get acquainted with the experience of the museum space of the Pedagogical College No. 18 Mitino (hereinafter referred to as PC No. 18) in training future teachers who acquire skills in the field of museum pedagogy. The conclusion is made about the demand in educational organizations for specialists who are able to organize educational and educational work using the practices of museum pedagogy. The purpose of the article is to theoretically and practically substantiate the improvement of the professional and personal competence of a future teacher as a problem of interaction between a teacher and a student of the vocational education system. Methodology and methods. The research methodology includes the use of a competence-based, systemic and personal-activity approach. Research methods: analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature, description, generalization, design. The main results of the study. The author analyzed the problem of improving the professional and personal competence of the future teacher. On the example of mastering basic skills in the field of museum pedagogy by students, the experience of training teachers who are able to create and manage excursion programs using gaming and information and communication technologies is considered. The relationship with the acquisition and improvement of the skills of organizing the process of activation of cognitive activity and the active socialization of children of preschool and school age is shown.
Scientific novelty. The modern possibilities of personal and professional development of the future teacher as a strategy of interaction between the teacher and the student at the level of secondary vocational education are studied.
Practical significance. The results of the study can be used in secondary vocational education, in the development of future teachers, as well as the activities of all specialists who are associated with pedagogy and who are interested in the current model of personal and professional development.
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Babalaeva, M. V. & Shulgin, P. K. (2023). The use of the museum space of an educational organization in the training of teaching staf Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2023, №1 (5), 28.
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