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Formation of professional skills through practical work in age-related anatomy, physiology and hygiene

Modern Technologies of Personnel Training , UDC: 377.8.016:61 DOI: 10.25688/2782-6597.2024.10.2.3


  • Konovalova Irina Igorevna


In the article the author describes the significance of the application of practical works in the professional training of students at pedagogical colleges. The goal of the article. Theoretical substantiation of application of practical works for formation of general cultural competences of students within the study of discipline «Age anatomy, physiology and hygiene». Methodology and methods used in the research are analysis of scientific and methodical literature, generalization. Main results of the study. Specific subject skills are described and criteria for evaluating their formation are proposed for students in the course of practical work on age anatomy, physiology and hygiene. Examples of practical works are given. Scientific novelty. Revelation of the methodological foundations of the organization of practical work on age anatomy, physiology and hygiene for students studying in the specialty «Physical culture». Practical significance. The proposed materials can be used to improve the process of the discipline «Age anatomy, physiology and hygiene» as part of the professional training of future teachers of physical culture and coaches at the secondary vocational education.

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Konovalova, I. I. (2024). Formation of professional skills through practical work in age-related anatomy, physiology and hygiene Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", № 2 (10), 32. https://doi.org/10.25688/2782-6597.2024.10.2.3
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