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Application of practice-oriented tasks in the study of human anatomy and physiology

Modern Technologies of Personnel Training , UDC: 377.8.016:61 DOI: 10.24412/2782-6597-2024-412-36-49


  • Konovalova Irina Igorevna


In the article the author describes the possibility of applying practice-oriented tasks in the professional training of students of pedagogical colleges. The goal of the article. theoretical substantiation of the application of practical tasks in order to form the professional skills of vocational education students in the framework of studying the discipline «Human Anatomy and physiology». Methodology and methods used in the research are analysis of scientific and methodical literature, generalization. Main results of the study. The importance of orientation to practical activity in the process of professional training of pedagogical college students is described on the example of the discipline «Human Anatomy and physiology». Examples of practice-oriented tasks used in the process of teaching human anatomy and physiology are given. Scientific novelty. The methodological foundations of the use of practice-oriented tasks in human anatomy and physiology for students studying in the specialty «Physical culture» are revealed. Practical significance. The proposed materials can be used to improve the learning process of the discipline «Human Anatomy and physiology» as part of the professional training of future physical educaion teachers and coaches.

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Konovalova, I. I. (2024). Application of practice-oriented tasks in the study of human anatomy and physiology Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", № 4 (12), 36. https://doi.org/10.24412/2782-6597-2024-412-36-49
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