Home Releases 2022, №1 (1)

Forming the cognitive-avtivity component of professional subject position of future teachers

Modern Technologies of Personnel Training,Psychological Support for Students , UDC: 37.01


  • Chozgiyan Olga Petrovna PhD in Pedagogy


The article is focused on meaningful and substantive aspects of the cognitive-activity component in terms of formation of professional subject position of future primary school teachers, generalizes different approaches to understanding professional subject position of a specialist, presents the experience of organizing the study of the peculiarities of the cognitive-activity component of professional subject position of students who major in Primary Education. The article offers the scenarios of organization of the educational process in the secondary vocational education that illustrate a set of measures aimed to achieve deliverables in the area of forming the cognitive-activity component of professional subject position of future teachers. Purpose. The main objective of the article is to share our experience of designing the educational process at the training stage of future primary school teacher in the secondary vocational education taking into account the identified features of the cognitive-activity component of professional subject position of future teachers. Methodology and methods. The work of A. V. Gutorova, where the author studied the fundamental issues of forming professional position, I. D. Bagaeva, D. A. Zubova, F. V. Povshednaya and others are the methodological framework. Methods: theoretical (compilation and analysis), diagnostic (expert evaluation); specific empirical (narrative method (verbal summary), pedagogical observation, individual interviews, a questionnaire-based survey). The main results of the study. Disclosed substantive content of the cognitive-activity component of professional subject position of future teachers. Identified features of a formed component. The outcomes of the study of a formation degree of a component with prospects of defining an educational process framework at the stage of the secondary vocational education, aimed to improve professional subject position of future teachers. Scientific novelty. The specified essence of a substantive characteristic of the cognitive-activity component of professional subject position of future teachers. The main areas in improvement of educational process framework that stimulate the emergence of cognitive-activity component markers at the stage of professional training are presented. Based on a structure of cognitive-activity component, the criteria of self-development and selfrealization is defined. Practical relevance. Presented diagnostic toolbox formed a basis for designing an educational process framework (covering interdisciplinary courses and internship), including purposefully organized monitoring that helps evaluate the degree of formation of the cognitive-activity component of professional subject position at the stage of achieving deliverables and conducting evaluation of the quality of graduates professional training.

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Chozgiyan, O. P. (2022). Forming the cognitive-avtivity component of professional subject position of future teachers Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2022, №1 (1),
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