- Sapozhnikova Olga Borisovna
The article deals with the problems of training teachers at the level of secondary vocational education, from the point of view of the development and use of communicative competencies. Changes and factors influencing the formation of communicative abilities in future teachers are indicated. The article presents data from a comparative study of the state of communicative abilities of teachers and graduates. Possible ways of solving emerging problems are also indicated. Purpose is to identify the state of communication skills of graduates of secondary vocational education. Methodology and methods: The study used such methods as the study and analysis
of scientific literature, generalization and analysis of pedagogical experience, observation. The methodological basis of the study is a structural-systemic approach to the analysis and consideration of issues related to the training of teaching staff at the level of secondary vocational education. The main results of the study. The paper reveals the problems associated with the communicative competencies of future teachers at the level of secondary vocational education, and outlines ways to solve the identified problems. Scientific novelty. In this work, based on the analysis of the works of Russian researchers, a comparative analysis of the communication skills of working teachers and graduates of the SVE system is carried out. Problematic aspects in the training of pedagogical personnel at the level of secondary vocational education are identified and described, ways to solve these problems in the training of pedagogical personnel are outlined, taking into account the modern educational paradigm.
Practical relevance. The study proposed by the author draws attention to the existing problems in the preparation of future teachers to determine effective methods and techniques for overcoming the identified shortcomings.
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Sapozhnikova, O. B. (2022). Issues of communication abilities in the system of training pedagogical workers in the system of secondary professional education Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2022, №2 (2), 57.
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