- Lomakina Julia Vladimirovna PhD in Pedagogy
The article deals with the problem of pre-professional training of schoolchildren in pedagogical classes, provides a retrospective analysis of their creation in the history of education in Russia, describes the mechanisms of professional and pedagogical orientation of children on the basis of a pedagogical college. The purpose of the article is to justify theoretically substantiate and develop methodological guidelines for the organization of pre-professional training of students through the recruitment and systematic work of pedagogical classes on the basis of a pedagogical college. Methodology and methods. The article reflects the methodology of competence-
based, systematic and personal-activity approach. Research methods: retrospective analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature and literature on the history
of Russian education; system-functional analysis of pedagogical experience in the work of pedagogical classes, modeling of pre-professional training of schoolchildren in the conditions of a pedagogical college. The main results of the study. The author conducted a retrospective analysis of the state of the problem of pre-professional education of schoolchildren in pedagogical classes, determined the basic provisions of their essence in modern times. Scientific novelty. The experience of pedagogical classes in the practice of educational organizations has been studied, models of their functioning have been identified, mechanisms for organizing the work of pedagogical classes on the basis of a college have been proposed.
Practical significance. The results of the study can be extrapolated in pedagogical colleges located in the regions of the Russian Federation. The conclusions are relevant for school principals, parents of middle and senior schoolchildren, teachers and students of pedagogical colleges, as well as for teachers of higher pedagogical
educational institutions.
How to link insert
Lomakina, J. V. (2022). Pedagogical classes at the college: start in the teaching profession Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2022, №2 (2), 48.
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