Главная Выпуски 2022, №3 (3)

Communicative approach to the study of the grammar system of russian as a foreign language

Обновление содержания СПО , УДК: 372.881.161.1 DOI: 10.25688/2782-6597.2022.3.3.2


  • Горшкова Елизавета Вячеславовна


The purpose of the article is to provide an analytical review on the communicative approach development and its impact on the study of the grammar system of Russian as a foreign language, show the model of teaching the Russian grammar system to non-native speakers. The research methods were literature review and case study. Due to the communicative approach, students began to successfully participate in speech situations, but over time, communicativeness separated from the conscious approach to learning, which led to the fact that grammatical errors were fixed in the process of skill formation. The modern method of teaching Russian as a foreign language again drew attention to the correctness and awareness of speech within the framework of the communicative approach, and to the correction of errors from the very beginning of learning. In a correct understanding of the communicative approach, grammar is given an important place Our analysis shows the most productive approach to teaching Russian grammar in terms of communicative approach.

Как ссылаться

Горшкова, Е. В. (2022). Communicative approach to the study of the grammar system of russian as a foreign language , 2022, №3 (3), 18. https://doi.org/10.25688/2782-6597.2022.3.3.2
Список литературы
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