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Mentorship as a form of organization of pedagogical practice

Modern Technologies of Personnel Training , UDC: 377 DOI: 10.25688/2782-6597.2022.4.4.3


  • Kolupaeva Olga Evgenievna


The article discusses the issues of the organization of productive pedagogical practice from the point of view of the basis of its implementation, an attempt is made to consider mentoring as one of the forms of organizing pedagogical practice of students. Purpose: the author sets a goal to consider the issues of the organization of pedagogical practice from the point of view of the organization of mentoring. Methodology and methods: The research uses such methods as the study and analysis of scientific literature, generalization and analysis of pedagogical experience, observation. The main results of the study. The analysis of methodological literature gives an idea of mentoring in pedagogical practice as one of the forms of assimilation and consolidation of educational material directly related to the future profession. The scientific novelty consists in looking at pedagogical practice from the point of view of mentoring, reveals the position of teachers of the practice base. The practical significance lies in the possibility of taking into account the point of view of teachers, as well as in using their practical and methodological potential.

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Kolupaeva, O. E. (2022). Mentorship as a form of organization of pedagogical practice Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", Правовая основа государственного управления в сфере образования, 26. https://doi.org/10.25688/2782-6597.2022.4.4.3
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