- Balakina Natalya Vasilievna
The article discusses the features of practical training of students in an inclusive educational environment based on the GAPOU of the Salavat College of Education
and Professional Technologies in the process of educational activity. The purpose of the article is to show the process of training students with disabilities and disabilities of the Salavat College of Education and Professional Technologies in the process of educational activity. Methodology and methods: analysis, concretization, generalization. The main results of the study. The organization of practical training was carried out on the basis of the Resource Center for Social, Psychological and Pedagogical Support of Persons with Disabilities and Disabilities. The inclusive environment of the Resource Center contributes to the formation of social, professional, and personal competencies of students of the Salavat College of Education and Professional Technologies. Students of pedagogical specialties have the opportunity to carry out practical training in educational firms that operate in the Resource Center, and students with disabilities and disabilities gain experience of successful socialization. Scientific novelty. The Resource Center implements the program of the educational firm «Speech Correction», in which children and students with disabilities attend speech therapy classes, and college students studying in the specialties «Correctional pedagogy in primary education» and «Preschool education» undergo psychological and pedagogical practice. Practical relevance. The implementation of practical measures aimed at increasing the social activity of students with disabilities and disabilities was carried out in the process of correctional and pedagogical activities.
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Balakina, N. V. (2023). Features of practical training of students in an inclusive educational environment Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2023, №2 (6), 58.
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