Home Releases 2023, №3 (7)

Immersive theater in the study of literature as a form of implementing the strategy of vocational education

Modern Technologies of Personnel Training , UDC: 377.8.016:82 DOI: 10.25688/2782-6597.2023.6.2.4


  • Karapetova Rozalina Valerievna


The article reveals the importance of immersive theater as a form of organizing an educational session. The possibility of realization in the study of literature in the framework of vocational education. The purpose of the article: to consider the possibilities of applying the basic techniques of immersive theatrical productio n in college conditions when studying topics of humanities. Methodology and methods. Theoretical research, empirical analysis. The main results of the study. Based on theoretical analysis, the conclusion is made about the successful integration of the basics of immersive theater into the classroom system of the college. Scientific novelty. The paper formulates the main stages of conducting classes using immersive theater technology. Practical significance. These articles can be used in the development of non-standard forms of a humanitarian cycle lesson in order to dive into the subject and analyze the information received in more depth.

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Karapetova, R. V. (2023). Immersive theater in the study of literature as a form of implementing the strategy of vocational education Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2023, №3 (7), 40. https://doi.org/10.25688/2782-6597.2023.6.2.4
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