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Education in secondary vocational education organizations — from personal results to the concept of professional education

SPO: History and Modernity , UDC: 377.3.013 DOI: 10.25688/2782-6597.2024.10.2.5


  • Silkin Roman Sergeevich Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences


The article discusses the content of exemplary educational programs of professional educational organizations, draws a conclusion about the insufficient expression of the professional component in them, and therefore it is proposed to return to the previously developed, but practically little used concept of professional education, to update it taking into account the modern realities of secondary vocational education, plan and implement educational work taking it into account. The purpose of the article: o study and substantiate the possibility and expediency of introducing the professional education into the practice of vocational education organizations. Methodology and methods: analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature, regulatory documents; analysis of the functioning of educational organizations of secondary vocational education The main results of the study. The need to improve exemplary educational programs by enlarged groups of professions and specialties secondary vocational education based on the development and implementation of vocational education programs is substantiated; a list of descriptors describing the personal results of professional education is proposed; identified contradictions that need to be overcome when implementing professional education programs. Scientific novelty of the research. The relevance of introducing professional education into the practice of educational work of professional educational organizations is substantiated, taking into account new challenges and prospects for the development of the secondary vocational education system. Practical significance. The results of scientific work can be used in the development and implementation of educational programs for professional educational organizations, taking into account the expansion of the professional component of the programs.

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Silkin, R. S. (2024). Education in secondary vocational education organizations — from personal results to the concept of professional education Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", № 2 (10), 55. https://doi.org/10.25688/2782-6597.2024.10.2.5
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