- Valyaeva Raisa Vasilyevna
This article discusses the problem of preparing future teachers-leaders for professional activity, which is relevant for the theory and practice of modern pedagogy. The author considers it as a strategic goal of pedagogical education, justifies the need for cooperation between subject teachers and psychologists of an educational organization, taking into account new trends in the development of the system of secondary vocational education (SPE) in pedagogical specialties. The purpose of the article is to identify and justify the use of effective methods of developing the leadership qualities of future teachers by including them in active educational and quasi-professional activities. Methodology and methods. Analysis of scientific literature, observation, questioning, psychological and pedagogical diagnostics, analysis of the results of the educational process, extracurricular activities of pedagogical college students. The main results of the study. Leadership qualities in the teaching profession are determined. Scientific novelty. The article presents the experience of modeling the information and activity space that ensures the development of leadership qualities of students. Practical significance. The article is addressed to specialists dealing with the problems of training future teachers in the SPO system.
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Valyaeva, R. V. (2022). Pedagogical leadership as a resource for the development of the education system and the object of measurement Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2022, №3 (3)_, 49.
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