- Volochay Nadezhda Nikolaevna
- Zhigalova Tatyana Dmitrievna
The article discusses the main issues of designing a model lesson of a future teacher, focused on participation in an independent assessment of a student’s competencies.
The relevance of an independent assessment of competencies in the context of the formation of a subject professional position of a specialist, as well as taking into account the requirements for building a trajectory of professional growth of a future teacher, is substantiated. Special attention is paid to the issue of the mentor’s support of the student’s personal and professional training process for conducting a model lesson. The purpose of the article is to demonstrate the experience of using the technology of designing and organizing a model lesson at primary school in the context of a consistent, continuous and purposeful formation of general and professional competencies of a student with the prospect of conducting their independent assessment. Methodology and methods. The methodological basis of the article is the works of E. V. Neumoeva-Kolchedantseva, G. P. Skamnitskaya, O. P. Chozgiyan. Methods: retrospective analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature; system-functional analysis of pedagogical experience. The main results of the study. The semantic content of the pedagogical aspects of the content, organization and support of the implementation of the technology of designing a model lesson at primary school is revealed on the example of the experience of a participant in an independent assessment of a student’s competencies. Scientific novelty. The essence of the main directions of the future teacher’s preparation for conducting a model lesson at primary school is concretized as one of the stages of an independent assessment of the student’s competencies. Determination of the level of formation of general and professional competencies in the context of the professional formation and development of a graduate student, a future teacher. Practical relevance. The presented approach to the application of the ideas of using the technology of designing a model lesson at primary school in the context of the student’s learning experience as a participant in an independent assessment of the student’s competencies in the system of secondary vocational education served as the basis for the organization of the educational process.
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Volochay, N. N. & Zhigalova, T. D. (2023). The technology of designing a model lesson at primary school: the experience of the participant in the independent assessment of the student’s competencies (level — Secondary Vocational Training) Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2023, №3 (7), 6.
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